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Globe representing Annual Report 2019

Annual Report 2020

HEXPOL’s Annual Report for 2020 is now published The HEXPOL Annual Report for 2020 with Sustainability Report is now available to download on on our investor section.  Investor section

Powerthane® NDI

Powerthane NDI Technical data Downloads Contact Us Print Product Page Outstanding Performance The unique properties of Powerthane NDI enable excellent durability in applications with very high load and speed compared


Powerthane range Technical data Downloads Contact Us Print Product Page Engineered for your environment Selecting the proper polyurethane solution can be difficult and requires correct assessment of the usage environment.



Powerfriction range Technical data Downloads Contact Us Print Product Page Optimized for traction Powerfriction provides the highest level of traction in cold and damp environments. Its high elasticity makes it

Rubber tires logomark

Stellana Skid Steer Tires

Available in both smooth and self-cleaning traction treads, our skid steer tires are characterized by their grip, stability, substantial load tolerance, tear resistance and comfort.

Focus rubber tires Logomark

Stellana Focus™

This solid resilient rubber tire offers unmatched performance in an economy tire.

Stellana Power™

This solid resilient rubber tire is made of a three-layer structure that includes a rigorous tread layer.

Rmax logo

Stellana Rmax™

These press-on band (POB) tires are constructed out of high-quality natural rubber that is bonded to a steel band.

Tmax logo


Excellent performance in cold, damp environments.

